WTG works with the nuances of your business to address the issues that matter most to you. Being vendor-independent grants WTG the freedom to design best-in-class solutions that address your issues and, more importantly, the motivation to ensure that they work. Our solutions fully leverage your existing capabilities and we craft custom them to fit your business’ unique requirements.

Using this approach, we have saved our clients tens of millions of dollars in direct recovery planning costs while enhancing their recoverability as well as their production availability and continuity. WTG’s cross-functional continuity architectures, orientation on business processes and best-of-breed solutions have enabled our clients to:

  • Reduce the cost of a $300K per month recovery architecture to $40K while gaining increased functionality
  • Relocate three pieces of backup hardware to achieve free, continuous production fail-over
  • Eliminate a $3 million dollar capital expense for a hardened data center by simply introducing the business requirements of one overlooked remote site into the continuity equation
  • Discover a fundamental flaw in a vital records program that would have completely disabled chances of recovery after the capability had already been actively tested for over five years
  • Trace the business flow of an entire industry, which enabled the first industry-wide recovery architecture discussions
  • Consolidate 30 production data centers into 10 with a common recovery site
  • Save over $20M dollars on a five-year hotsite renewal while negotiating more than 30 contractual improvements
  • Reduce monthly outsourcing expenses by $70K while reducing RTO by 400% and RPO by 200%

Organizations that want the best value for their recovery dollar look for business continuity solutions that will provide long term value and grow with their business—and they know that WTG has the experience to deliver that value to their continuity program.


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