Data is the key to recoverability, but data availability is no longer a simple matter of backing up disks to off-site tape storage. WTG’s Data Availability Architecture starts with a comprehensive analysis of all five aspects of data availability and results in specific recommendations for state-of-the-art availability. Data Selection ensures that all critical datasets and databases are identified at the application level and that all redundancies and batch propagation are eliminated. Data Accessibility —the length of time it takes to make data re-available—is examined and corrective strategies are applied where needed. Strategies are implemented to control Data Synchronization (especially cross-application and cross-platform synchronization) to a logical point in time. Data Integrity is addressed through strategies that minimize exposure to lost or corrupted data due to backup and transmission techniques. And finally, Data Protection is enhanced through strategies for archiving, off-site storage, rotation and data backup.
WTG’s data availability architectures start with the client’s business processes and factor 14 distinct data readiness, integrity and protection technologies into the equation to provide optimal levels of data availability based on underlying business process requirements. All recommendations take into consideration available processing windows, process “quiesceability”, available hardware, and restoration timeframes in conjunction with RTO and RPO requirements.