The William Travis Group, Inc.

State of the Industry

Global business practices, multi-site shared processing, e-commerce, new storage architectures and specialized distributed operations are forcing new requirements for much higher levels of system availability, recoverability and continuous operating [...]


WTG’s Specialty

WTG offers a unique focus on multi-tiered, multipurpose recovery architectures and on establishing disaster recovery capabilities as an inherent part of continuous business operations. We believe that it is [...]

More Tough Questions…

Are the basic assumptions of your recovery plan still valid for 2018 and beyond? Can you really restore all backup data in the time allowed by your recovery time objective? [...]

Ask the Hard Questions…

The Short List ; ) How does your plan help you dynamically define the recovery steps for the specific disaster event? How does your plan incorporate remote resources and [...]

How Does Your Plan Stack-up?

Curious about how your DR/BC Plan compares to similar business?  Ask yourself some of the hard questions... How does your plan help you decide if and when to declare [...]

  • NextGen 360° ABC™ Framework

WTG’s Unique Plans

The best plans direct not only the Who, What, When and Where of the response, but also the How, Why and Why Not across all plans, all teams and [...]