The William Travis Group
The BIA’s Fatal Flaws – No. 4 Criticality is Not Weighted
The fourth flaw comes from the inability of traditional BIA methodologies to weight and differentiate process criticality. Most methodologies prioritize processes according to a scale (1 – 5, low – [...]
WTG does for you what the other guys won’t:
End-to-end delivery of advanced continuity capabilities, from strategy through design, development, implementation and testing. Leverage your existing IT infrastructure, working with the details of your production environment to derive, build [...]
The BIA’s Fatal Flaws – No. 3 Probability is Not Predictable
The next problem with the traditional BIA process is that even if the loss estimates are assumed to be perfectly accurate and are implicitly accepted by management, the very next [...]
WTG does what the others don’t:
Eliminate hotsite “recovery-only” and production “availability-only” solutions—instead creating “total” continuity solutions that optimally blend the best in high-availability and recovery technologies Turnkey implementations of complete continuity solutions from initial strategy [...]
The BIA’s Fatal Flaws – No. 2 Losses Are Not Linear
Expecting business leaders to determine the financial losses associated with process interruption is an exercise in futility. In today’s large, distributed organizations with their hugely complicated and intertwined business environments, [...]
WTG’s Differences
The only 25+ year uninterrupted line management, vision, continuous improvement and hands-on consulting in the industry The only NextGen methodology specifically designed for the complexities of the open system [...]
The BIA’s Fatal Flaws – No. 1 The BIA was Invented for the Wrong Reason
The BIA was invented for the wrong reason…a self-serving reason. And unfortunately, that heritage has survived until today and still thrives. In the earliest days of the Disaster Recovery industry, [...]
Some of WTG’s Services
Business Continuity – (Continuous Operations Planning) The best solution to recovery is avoid an interruption in the first place. WTG develops pragmatic, real-world continuous operating solutions that incorporate the latest [...]
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Thanks for checking out WTG's Blog. We will use this space to inform our clients and business network on updates with the William Travis Group, best recovery practices, business [...]