Shortening Recovery Timeframes
As availability requirements increase and Web-based applications, e-commerce, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems propagate, recovery timeframes reduce in geometric proportion. To compound the problem, many applications have evolved from being simple productivity aids to become integral business processes in their own right. Recovering “critical” systems in 24, 48 or 72 hours has become an oxymoron as businesses are faced with constantly shortening recovery timeframes.
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Reducing Data Loss
A company’s data is its most important asset. And as business processes become more and more dependent on systems, data integrity becomes a critical factor in the ability to conduct business. A day’s worth of lost transactions for a bank or brokerage house, where a system with yesterday’s data is often worse than no system at all, is obviously catastrophic.
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Increasing Disaster Tolerance
All companies are exposed to “disasters” that can interrupt their ability to conduct business. And all businesses must take responsible steps to ensure that they can tolerate such a disaster without incurring unacceptable losses or permanent damage.
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Reducing Hotsite Costs
Hotsites are a key component of the business continuity solution for many companies. However, they represent significant, and sometimes huge, monthly expenses that literally go on forever. Contingency planners must find ways to control the cost of this component while, at the same time, taking advantage of the benefits offered by the dedicated alternate site model.
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Improving TableTop Exercises
There should be no better way to explore a wide range of disaster scenarios, to teach appropriate responses and decision-making and to prove and improve plan documentation than through a TableTop Exercise. Most TableTop exercises share common failings that ultimately limit their usefulness. WTG has a solution…
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